Dana Litwin, CVA, is a passionate advocate for people giving their time and talent!
Since 2002 Dana has guided organizations in California's Silicon Valley and worldwide to produce breakthrough volunteer and community engagement programs. She is a popular presenter at the Points of Light National Conference on Volunteering and Service, America’s Service Commissions National Service Training, the Volunteer Management Hybrid Conference, and countless other learning and professional association events. Dana is often featured in professional journals The Nonprofit Times and The Volunteer Management Report. They frequently guest on podcasts and live streams including Volunteer Nation (Tobi Johnson), Advancing The Profession (Rob Jackson), The Nonprofit Enthusiast, and The Influential Nonprofit.
Dana is the creator of the premiere web series “Priceless Advice for Leaders of Volunteers.” She is the Past President of the Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement (AL!VE), and a founder of the multi-sector National Alliance for Volunteer Engagement. They co-authored the “Digital Care Circles” 4-part article series for the Engage Journal in 2023-2024. Dana recently completed leading the Assessing Diversity and Equity in Volunteer Involvement (ADEVI) DEI Toolkit development working group, Planning and Advocacy for Strategic Volunteer Involvement. The ADEVI DEI Toolkit will be freely available in Fall 2024 on the VolunteerMatch website.
Dana earned her CVA (Certified in Volunteer Administration) in 2014. For more about the CVA and ADEVI, visit www.cvacert.org.